Bay Area/Fremont Piano Lessons for Adults and Kids


Lisa Hu Park Piano

Lisa Hu Park is an experienced piano teacher with over 40 years of teaching pupils. She provides 1:1 in-person and online private piano lessons for adults and children.

Ms. Park graduated as a top student from the Sichuan Conservatory of Music in China.  She has also taught at Sichuan Conservatory of Music as a professor, as well as Chengdu Normal College of Music as the head of Piano Department. Lisa is  also recognized by the United States Piano Association, and has been named as Honorary Teacher of the United States for 29 years.

Lisa provides private piano lessons in the San Francisco Bay Area, serving Fremont and nearby cities. 

胡建华老师出生于重庆,是四川音乐学院第一届毕业生中最优秀的钢琴学生, 她也曾是代表四川文艺界活动于各种舞臺的佼佼者之一;她现在是加州享誉盛名的钢琴老师。 她勤学苦练,在钢琴艺术上炉火纯青; 她秀外慧中,循诱善教,用敏锐的感悟力,开發学生潜能,培养了大批后起之秀,创造了一个又一个教学奇迹。


Latest Events

2023 Second Recital

November 24th, 2023  | 10:00 AM

Coming soon in the holiday season!


2023 First Recital

May 29th, 2023  | 10:00 AM

Thank you everyone for bringing a wonderful performance and joy!

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